HTML DOM clientTop Property

HTMLElement Object Reference Element Object


Get the width of a <div> element's top and left border:

var elmnt = document.getElementById("myDIV");
var txt = "Border top width: " + elmnt.clientTop + "px<br>";
txt += "Border left width: " + elmnt.clientLeft + "px";

The result of txt will be:

Border top width: 15px
Border left width: 10px
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Definition and Usage

The clientTop property returns the width of the top border of an element, in pixels.

This property does not include the element's top padding or top margin.

Tip: You can also use the style.borderTopWidth property to return the width of an element's top border.

Tip: To return the width of the left border of an element, use the clientLeft property.

This property is read-only.

Browser Support

clientTop Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Technical Details

Return Value: A Number, representing the width of an element's top border, in pixels

HTMLElement Object Reference Element Object