Video buffered Property

Video Object Reference Video Object


Get the first buffered range (part) of the video in seconds:

var x = document.getElementById("myVideo");
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Start: " + x.buffered.start(0)
+ " End: " + x.buffered.end(0);
Try it yourself »

Definition and Usage

The buffered property returns a TimeRanges object.

The TimeRanges object represents the user's buffered ranges of the video.

A buffered range is a time-range of buffered video. The user gets several buffered ranges if he/she skips in the video.

Note: This property is read-only.

Browser Support

Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari

The buffered property is supported in all major browsers.

Note: This property is not supported in Internet Explorer 8.



Return Value

Type Description
TimeRanges Object Represents the buffered parts of the video.

TimeRanges Object Properties:

  • length - get the number of buffered ranges in the video
  • start(index) - get the start position of a buffered range
  • end(index) - get the end position of a buffered range

Note: The first buffered range is index 0

Video Object Reference Video Object