HTML <th> rowspan Attribute

HTML th Reference HTML <th> tag


An HTML table with a header cell that spans three rows:

    <th rowspan="3">Savings for holiday!</th>
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Definition and Usage

The rowspan attribute defines the number of rows a header cell should span.

Browser Support

rowspan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note: Only Firefox and Opera 12 (and earlier versions) support rowspan="0", which has a special meaning (look below in the "Attribute Values" table).

Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5



<th rowspan="number">

Attribute Values

Value Description
number Sets the number of rows a header cell should span. Note: rowspan="0" tells the browser to span the cell to the last row of the table section (thead, tbody, or tfoot)


More Examples


Using rowspan="0" (will only work in Firefox and Opera 12 and earlier):

    <th rowspan="3">Savings for holiday!</th>
    <td rowspan="0">$100</td>
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HTML th Reference HTML <th> tag