WebGL Roadmap

sumitmodi 发表于 2017-02-08 20:12:09

标签: webgl, unity, NPAPI

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Unity 5.0 shipped with a working preview of our WebGL technology in March this year. Since then, Google has disabled (by default) NPAPI support in their Chrome browser (meaning that the Unity Web Player will no longer work there) which is pushing a lot of Unity developers to try out WebGL as an alternative. Some people have already published games using Unity WebGL, but we have also heard from people running into issues porting their existing web player games over. It is important to understand that WebGL and the Web Player are - while targeting the same space - very different platforms with very different technical implementations, which means that not everything which is possible in the Web Player right now will be equally possible in WebGL. Also, it is important to understand that WebGL is a rather new technology with a fast moving ecosystem - so we expect that situation and the possibilities to be very different in maybe a year from now to what they are now.

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